Ingredients: Damiana

Botanical Name: Turnera diffusa, syn. Turnera aphrodisiaca

Origin: Mexico

Info: Damiana Infused Body Oil:

Fill jar 3/4 of the way with Damiana. Fill remaining space, making sure to FULLY COVER the plant material, with carrier oil of your choosing. Common carrier oils are Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil, Apricot Oil. Store in a sunny place like your window sill for 4-6 weeks. Shake about every other day. Strain and Ready to Use!

Sizes: 4 OZ, 8 OZ, 16 OZ

Contains 100% pure Damiana

  • ZERO additives

  • ZERO Caffeine

  • 100% Natural

  • Suitable for all diet types

Stay Herbal

Damiana | Bulk Size 4, 8, 16 OZ
from $7.95